
Freitag, 12. Februar 2016

Nice winglets on a 737

Goeden dag,

 "Nice winglets on a 737" is the theme for today´s final flight around the trip!.

 photo SAM_3175_zpsj5koe4zv.jpg

The routing:*

Service KLM KL 1969 operated by PH-BGO
Scheduled:  21.00  // 22.25
Actual:  21.00  //  22.10

This is one more original KLM machine, in the air since 21.03.2011

There are no special stories visible

But the stats:
Leg no. 1199 at all and no. 53 on the 737-700

Here are the checked airlines:

AIRLINES CHECKED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

And just some pics from a very short visit to "Luchthaven Schiphol" on the way for the "Flughafen Zürich":

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More to come.
Adieu. The Tripreporter

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