
Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020

This was definitely not the booked airline


"This was definitely not the originally booked airline". But nice it was, just by surprise!.

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The routing:*

Service Iberia IB 3107 operated by EC-MCS "Playa de los Lances"

Scheduled:    06.30  //  08.50
Actual:   06.30  //  08.30

This is an Iberia original, in the air since 27.08.2014

No specials are to report here

And certainly, the stats:
Leg no. 1805 at all and no. 249 on the Airbus A320

Now we see the 104 "Plane Types Recorded":

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

An not expected night later and pretty early in the morning it was to go really out of the "Aeroporto Humberto Delgado".
For the "Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez
With just a couple of pictures:

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Three for me, the exit row, thanx to the nice staff here by Iberia.
Arrival in the Non-Schengen area of the terminal. Not what I really prefer. An extra security check is necessary this way. But nevertheless time enough to visit the Sala Vip, the lounge here.

More to come.
Hasta pronto!.
The Tripreporter

Dienstag, 25. Februar 2020

Delay, the White ATR goes tech

Buen dia,

"Delay, the White ATR goes tech". Will it fly or not?.

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The routing:*

Service TAP TP 1101 operated by PGA Portugalia Airlines CS-TPR "Leira"

Scheduled:    10.50  //  11.00
Actual:   13.10  //  13.25

Active we are since 29.08.2011 with TRIP, Azul Linhas Aereas and PGA Portugalia Airlines

Nothing special is to show on this machine

But for sure, the stats:
Leg no. 1804 at all and no. 70 on the Embraer 190

The latest "Visited Airports" with the actual count at 416 are here:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Late, but finally out of the
"Aeropuerto de Sevilla-San Pablo".
Heading definitely in the wrong direction and the "Aeroporto Humberto Delgado".
Pictures anyway?. Sure!.:

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Finally arrived more than two hours, but less than three hours late, no White ATR, the Portugalia E90 showed up and my onward flight on a separate ticket is gone, so it looks like. What to do now?.

More to come.
Ate breve!.
The Tripreporter

Samstag, 22. Februar 2020

Call it the low legroom airline


"Call it the low legroom airline". Sure, nothing else expected!.

 photo SAM_0066_zpsjp2q5zil.jpg

The routing:*

Service Vueling Airlines VY 2216  operated by EC-MEL

Scheduled:    11.30  //  13.05
Actual:   11.40  //  13.10

This machine is airside since 02.02.2015 with Vueling Airlines only

There is nothing special to report here

But definitely, the stats:
Leg no. 1803 at all and no. 248 on the Airbus A320

And the early 200 "Visited Airports":

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Be prepared for a terminal change at the "Aeroport Josep Tarradellas
Barcelona–El Prat". That´s just the case when you do it like me. Bus transfer, ok free of charge and an extra security check
Lucky me, time enough to do it without any hurries!.
Out now for Espagna domestic and the "Aeropuerto de Sevilla-San Pablo".
Here are the pictures:

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Safely arrived. Just a couple of minutes late.
Warm it is and the sun is out. Now that´s what I´am looking for!.

More to come.
The Tripreporter