
Freitag, 8. Januar 2016

Meeting friends and a special plane

Dobry dzień,

 "Meeting friends and a special plane", now that sounds perfectly good and worth it to go a little bit out of the ordinary way!.

 photo SAM_0441_zps9ytd45fw.jpg

The routing to start the trip:*

Service Swiss International Airlines LX 1342 operated by Swiss European Airlines HB-IYR
Scheduled:  07.10  //  09.00
Actual:  07.20  //  09.00

We see this machine airside from 23.03.2001 with Cityflyer Express, British Airways CitiExpress, Swiss European Airlines and nowadays Swiss Gobal Airlines.

Here are some stories:

And do not forget the stats:
Leg no. 1118 at all and no. 19 on the RJ100.

Here is a view to the early 200 visited airports:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

And the usual pics:

 photo SAM_0440_zpsug4p6qo2.jpg

 photo SAM_0443_zpsjcvyztkh.jpg

 photo SAM_0448_zpsg2jqbakw.jpg

 photo SAM_0449_zpsoijio2l3.jpg

 photo SAM_0450_zpsnh51lu3n.jpg

 photo SAM_0457_zpsab4ikwiy.jpg

 photo SAM_0461_zpsgnbmifuj.jpg

 photo SAM_0462_zpsgbftojuz.jpg

Da pabačennia.
The Tripreporter

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