Hello, dear readers,
I´am in Denmark, but I like to go for Scotland.
This way:
Thanx once again to:
Monday, 23.09.2013
CPH (Københavns Lufthavn, Kastrup)
ABZ (Port-adhair Obar Dheathain Aberdeen/Dyce Airport)
Service SAS Scandinavian Airlines SK 2519 operated by Cimber AS
Scheduled: 08.25 // 09.15
And this is the Tripreporter 2013 data till now:
TRIPREPORTER 2013 auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
And here we see the actual status with the visited countries:
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Some visited airports, too:
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And the new examples:
Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
Well, that´s a brief example for a very short connection.
And there is no time to use a lounge at all, tough it is to catch the next flight.
Arrival at Terminal 2, the B Gates, powerwalking for Terminal 3, passport check as usual for Eng..., sorry, Scotland.
Down for the bus gates, C17 and yes boarding is in full swing.
This is the second leg on the aforementioned confirmation. The fare is 80.00 Euro´s.
And also with my limited knowledge in Scandinavian languages, this is definitely more southern side!
A strange bird it is.
Registered in Spain as EC-JOD, first in service from 16.01.2006 with Air Nostrum, playing around with Adria Airways, Air Nostrum, Cimber Sterling, Binter Canarias and Air Nostrum again. During my flight operated by Cimber AS and nowadays leased by SAS from Cimber AS.
One of three CR2´s in the fleet and the equipment like on schedule.
Leg no. 8 on type and new to the log.
There are no stories to show and also no individual name to see
We have a Scandinavian cockpit crew. The "Kaptajn" with a nice welcome during boarding and short thereafter once again, the loadsheet is still missing.
He is another time to hear short during the approach later on. No route or flightlevel info.
Bye now to "Københavns Lufthavn, Kastrup".
08.35 am, ten minutes late, 1.35 hours by "Cimber". Departure from the 3300 meters "Zero-Four-Right".
It´s cloudy with 14 degrees.
All white is the colour today, so it seems
Cabin crew is one middle aged nice woman.
Service is free water, coffee, tea.
Dark blue and really well used leather seats are on offer here.
The legroom is perfectly good, ok, it´s the exit row, 8F and the aisle is also taken
We have an 80% load and close to all of the pax looking like on the biz track.
The cabin ceiling and a real Cimber safety card
"Nodudgangsplats" whatever it means!
The narrow cabin and the blue sky, no more clouds in our direction
Finals for the "Port-adhair Obar Dheathain Aberdeen/Dyce Airport"
Touchdown at the 1949 meters "Three-Four". 10.15 am in Germany, 9.15 am local. Superb sunny and 20 degrees. That´s certainly what I´am looking for.
Just for the oil rigs
Eastern?. Ok, we are in Eastern Scotland
No clouds. Not a single cloud to see at all
Immigration is swift and soon thereafter the Jetbus 727 heads for the city with me, of course!.
3.50 pounds is a daily return ticket, sure worth it this way.
Ok now, this is "Robert The Bruce, King Of Scots" in his Granite City. Or is it maybe the Silver City?
Coat of arms and the impressive tower
Flowers just for the colours
Looks like really nice here
Busy it is
And the flag high above
Yes, really nice flowers
And back with some superb nice impressions for the airport by the Jetbus again
See you and take care.
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