This story is dedicated to the Canadian people. We meet a good number of really nice persons on this trip.
The trip in one word:
"Heading to the west in preparations for the north of Canada is the theme around this part of the story".
Hello, dear readers,
once again no foreign language, stay with english like the last time in England!.
A couple of weeks at the homebase are gone
and now we have a set of flights to do,
22 exactly during ten days.
Be prepared for a couple of stories to come!.
Stories like this:
Thanx to:
Not that the "Aéroport Bâle-Mulhouse-Fribourg" is something new to me, but the company of choice shows a very good offer, much better than from the surrounding german airports, so the decision is swiftly done to go this way again!.
Friday, 16.08.2013
BSL (Aéroport Bâle-Mulhouse-Fribourg)
CDG (Aéroport Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle)
Service Air France AF 7743 operated by Airlinair
Scheduled: 10.47 // 12.05
Here is a view for the first 200 visited airports with MLH/BSL well logged:
Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
And there are also some more visited airports here:
Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
The Tripreporter 2013 data looks like this so far:
TRIPREPORTER 2013 auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
And what about the visited countries?:
VISITED COUNTRIES auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
There is no need to show the car the way for BSL/MLH,
this route is up to date in the car´s autopilot!. Some concerns about the longtime roadwork around Freiburg and finally it´s better to start a couple of minutes earlier than usual what works well in the end.
F6 is the place to spend the next days for the car. Hope to see you soon again in the very same conditions.
The aforementioned offer is made by
The fare per leg with the first and also the last three legs on one confirmation is 130.00 Euro´s and this is in total around 800.00 Euro´s lower than a departure ex Germany.
Ah, the joy of flying ex MLH/BSL on Air France.
No OLCI available, an AT42 on schedule, later changed for the AT72, now we will see.
Also the SSK´s don´t like to serve us this morning.
Anyway, there are two bags to check, onwards for the counter where the young and nice woman provided us with yes, the boarding papers for the first two legs, but no, was not able to do it also for the third leg.
Hmmh, there is not that much connecting time between leg 2 and 3 and we are not checked in right now.
Anyway again, up for the terrace and a view around.
This one have a closer meet with the local technician
and it looks like that´s also the one for us
Close to no time to wait at the french security check
and ready for a view to the screen, "Pünktlich", ok
and for one more view deep under the engine cowling
There is no lounge on offer here for AF pax.
No more colours available with all that HOP! repaintings, so it seems!. The all white one heads later on for ORY and the private looking Embraer belongs to Pan Europeene Air Service with a sports team inbound
The example with the colours for us now, from gate 1.
F-GVZR is an AT72, a new entry to the log and leg no. 28 on type.
This is also one of the ever growing fleet of no-name planes and is in the air since 13.08.1997 first with American Eagle. Airlinair operates 10 examples on type.
There are no incidents to report with this machine
Under the wing, you know!
10.50 am, close to ontime, "Airlinair" now for 1.10 hours to the capital, well the french capital!.
The 3900 meters runway "One-Five" releases us up for the blue.
With the very same weather conditions at our target today, hopefully!.
26 degrees, clear sky, no clouds.
Cockpit crew is from France, the "Monsieur Pilot" with a short welcome in an experienced style on the ground and later on with the descent announcement and also the latest weather details.
No route or flightlevel data.
Well, it looks like much better from the outside than the inside
Safety and the well used cabin this morning,
seats 16D/F for us.
The load is close to 100%, VFR, no biz to see and notice at all.
Oldfashioned really well used blue leather seats, not that really clean, surrounded by a nasty chemical smell
Cabin crew is one younger female FA, large, nice, brown- red hair and one ok, middle aged male FA.
No, just a little bit more up the north this time
Well used and maintained french style!
The cabin and the service these days
Hey, that´s where we like to go and also these Irish companion
Touchdown at the 2700 meters "Zero-Eight-Right". 12.20 am, 15 minutes late and 24 sunny degrees at the "Aéroport Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle".
Looks like really nice this way
Arrival at terminal 2G means an intra terminal bus ride for departure from 2E to follow and it works also in the end!.
More to come, hopefully, soon.
Take care,
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