
Dienstag, 25. Februar 2020

Delay, the White ATR goes tech

Buen dia,

"Delay, the White ATR goes tech". Will it fly or not?.

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The routing:*

Service TAP TP 1101 operated by PGA Portugalia Airlines CS-TPR "Leira"

Scheduled:    10.50  //  11.00
Actual:   13.10  //  13.25

Active we are since 29.08.2011 with TRIP, Azul Linhas Aereas and PGA Portugalia Airlines

Nothing special is to show on this machine

But for sure, the stats:
Leg no. 1804 at all and no. 70 on the Embraer 190

The latest "Visited Airports" with the actual count at 416 are here:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Late, but finally out of the
"Aeropuerto de Sevilla-San Pablo".
Heading definitely in the wrong direction and the "Aeroporto Humberto Delgado".
Pictures anyway?. Sure!.:

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Finally arrived more than two hours, but less than three hours late, no White ATR, the Portugalia E90 showed up and my onward flight on a separate ticket is gone, so it looks like. What to do now?.

More to come.
Ate breve!.
The Tripreporter

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