
Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2019

On the good old `319


"On the good old `319". With the, at least from the airline´s point of view, healthy load at close to 100%!.

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The routing:*

Service TAP Air Portugal TP 931 operated by CS-TTH "Antonio Sergio"

Scheduled:    13.30  //  15.20
Actual:  14.00  //  15.30

Original we are with TAP Air Portugal since 26.11.1998

Nothing special is to notice here

But certainly, the stats:
Leg no. 1752 at all and no. 198 on the Airbus A319

103 is the actual count on the "Plane Types Recorded" list:

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Some time at the Lounge and finally out of the "Flughafen Zuerich" for, hopefully, something new.
For the "Aeroporto Humberto Delgado" it is right now.
Here are the pictures:

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Staff on this service was completely different, from nice to better no comment till still here and no action at all!.

More to come.
Ate breve!.
The Tripreporter

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