"Call it comfy ATR riding", for the sunny eastern part of Europe!.
The routing:
Service ČSA České Aerolinie OK 782 operated by OK-GFQ
Scheduled: 12.05 // 13.35
Actual: 12.10 // 13.35
This machine saw ATR, Jet Airways and CSA as operators since 20.08.2001
Here is also a special story:
And definitely, the stats:
Leg no. 1565 at all and no. 49 on the ATR72
The airlines checked are here:
AIRLINES CHECKED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
Some time at the "Letiště Václava Havla Praha" and the ERSTE Premier Lounge.
And further for the
"Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie".
The pictures are also here:
A well loaded plane it was. But two seats for me, upfront cabin and a comfortable flight it was.
Well done here by CSA!.
More to come.
Do zobaczenia wkrótce.
The Tripreporter.
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