
Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016

Upfront seating on the CR-K


"Upfront seating on the CR-K", just for a change!.

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The routing:*

Service Air France AF 5482 operated by HOP/Brit Air F-HMLL

Scheduled:  07.05  //  08.05
Actual:  07.15  //  08.00

This is an original, with Brit Air since 14.10.2011

No special stories are visible

But the stats:
Leg no. 1415 at all and no. 16 on the CR-K

Here are the early 200 visited airports:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Well, out of the "Aéroport de Strasbourg" during the early morning hours. Now, that´s definitely nothing new to me!.
Heading for the "Aéroport Lyon-Saint-Exupéry", just a little late, but nothing special in the end.
What about the pictures?:

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More to come.
Adieu. The Tripreporter.

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