
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2016

A nice surprise in Galicia


"A nice surprise in Galicia" and this is also a new place to visit.

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The routing:*

Service Swiss International Airlines LX 2552 operated by HB-JLT

Scheduled:  06.30  //  09.00
Actual:  06.45  //  09.20

This is an original Swiss International Airlines machine, in service since 20.03.2013

No special stories are to show here

But certainly, the stats:
Leg no. 1455 at all and no. 179 on the A320

The early 200 visited airports are here:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Pretty early morning it is to leave the "Flughafen Zürich" once more.
Sure, to catch as most hours around the day as possible.
And this time it is for a less experienced European area, Galicia and the "Aeropuerto de Santiago de Compostela".
Here are also the pictures:

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More to come.
Adios por ahora. The Tripreporter.

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