
Sonntag, 11. September 2016

AC-Change without further notice


"AC-Change without further notice", well, that´s the pleasure to fly on this airline nowadays
and trust me, chaos is ready in the cabin with all the preselected seats gone and no info at the gate!.

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The routing:*

Service Germanwings 4U 2758 operated by D-AKNO

Scheduled:  06.45  //  08.00
Actual:  06.55  //  08.00

US Airways is shown as the first operator from 16.12.1999 and nowadays it is in Germanwings colours

Here are the special stories:

Followed by the stats:
Leg no. 1404 at all and no. 156 on the A319

Now we see the early 200 visited airports:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Well, should I really go out of the
"Flughafen Stuttgart –
Manfred Rommel Flughafen" on this machine?.
The seatmap on Check-In shows an A320 with a good number of seats taken. The plane at the finger position is according to the registration definitely an A319. Me, seating in the very back, expecting some information at the gate and also a seat change. No beep at boarding, no information at all. Late boarding, you know, down the finger only to see a lot of people standing in discussion with the crew. It is definitely an A319 and lot´s of seats are gone or already taken what means free seating for all the others. An aisle upfront, the extra cabin it is for me.
Strange procedure from my point of view but these are the Wings of Germany nowadays.
Anyway, onwards to the "Flughafen Wien-Schwechat" and
here are the pictures:

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More to come.
Bis dann. The Tripreporter

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