
Donnerstag, 22. September 2016

Thunderstorms and delays


"Thunderstorms and delays", but it really goes in the end!.

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The routing:*

Service Germanwings 4U 2019 operated by D-AKNG

Scheduled:  20.55  //  22.10
Actual:  22.00  //  23.00

Since 28.02.1997 in the air we are with just a bit variety, Eurowings, Germanwings, Lufthansa Italia and Lufthansa itself

Here is also a special story:

And the stats:
Leg no. 1406 at all and no. 157 on the A319

Now we see the visited countries and trust me, there is also something new on this map.
Never been to Slovakia before, call it no. 65:

VISITED COUNTRIES auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Now we should leave the "Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld" soon again. Soon?. No information at the gate. Just the screen with a new delayed departure time.
Later on the captain explained it with thunderstorms around our destination and the airport was completely closed. So, we are more or less lucky to fly out at all today. And not that long thereafter the route for the "Flughafen Stuttgart –
Manfred Rommel Flughafen" was completely cancelled, more lucky me this way!.
Here are the pictures:

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More to come.
Bis dann. The Tripreporter

How to explore Bratislava

Dobry den,

"How to explore Bratislava" and that´s exactly the description around todays business!.

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The routing:*

Service Ryanair FR 199 operated by EI-FOZ

Scheduled:  16.55  //  18.10
Actual:  16.55  //  18.00

The one and only with this machine is Ryanair since 29.03.2016

There are no special stories visible

But the stats:
Leg no. 1405 at all and no. 99 on the B738

And here are the latest visited airports with something new on the map,
no. 347 and BTS:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Out for the very first time from the "Letisko M. R. Štefánika" after enjoying the ÖBB, ok, there is also a cheap bus transfer possible but I decided for the train if ever possible to connect Slovakia with Austria and heading for the "Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld" later on. But first a necessary visit to Bratislava, definitely an interesting place to be.
And always a surprise to see such a number of pax on a really new route. But it seems it works and here are also the pictures:

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More to come.
Bis bald. The Tripreporter