
Sonntag, 23. April 2017

The exit row and three-for-me


"The exit row and three-for-me", that´s exactly the way like it should be!.

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The routing:*

Service Ryanair FR 6384 operated by EI-FRP

Scheduled:  11.15  // 12.45
Actual:   11.15  //  12.30

This one is pretty new, first in service at 23.05.2016

Nothing special is to show here

But sure, the stats:
Leg no. 1500 at all and no. 105 on the B738

And the early 200 visited airports are here:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Leaving the "Aeropuerto de Barcelona–El Prat" again, not that long thereafter and heading out for the "Aeropuerto Seve Ballesteros - Santander". With a couple of pictures, as usual:

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Now, was it a well worth jubilee for flight 1500?.
The exit row, three seats for me and for free, offered by super nice Espagnol cabin crew. Ontime, cheap, sunny and warm. You built you`re own impression!.

More to come.
Cuidate. The Tripreporter.

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