
Sonntag, 13. Januar 2019

The lounge is under construction


"The lounge is under construction". Standard biz at the airports these days and time!.

 photo SAM_7453_zpsp3ivia5r.jpg

The routing:*

Service Swiss International Airlines LX 354 operated by HB-JCG

Scheduled:    12.50  //  13.40
Actual:   12.50  //  13.25

In the air it is since 18.12.2017 only

Nothing special is to show here

But certainly, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1705 at all and no. 6 on the C-Series 300

The early 200 "Visited Airports" are here:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

No lounge at the "Aéroport de Genève".
A voucher yes, but not that much possible on offer.
Ok, onwards for the
"Heathrow Airport".
The pictures are here:

 photo SAM_7446_zpszqmjhxg0.jpg

 photo SAM_7447_zpserdlycqf.jpg

 photo SAM_7448_zpske9y9d75.jpg

 photo SAM_7449_zpshnfruvp7.jpg

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 photo SAM_7460_zps7t4runyw.jpg

Load was better than on the first flight around this trip. But far from full again.
Legroom is better on the oldfashioned Airbus!.

More to come.
Take care.
The Tripreporter.

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