
Dienstag, 14. August 2018

Turn down the air conditioner, please


"Turn down the air conditioner, please", it feels much to cold on this plane and it seems I´am not the only one with this impression!.

 photo SAM_6155_zpsr1yyrl9h.jpg

The routing:*

Service British Airways BA 8726 operated by BA CityFlyer G-LCYT 

Scheduled:   14.10  //  15.30
Actual:   14.15  //  15.20

Original we are, with BA CityFlyer since 29.05.2014

There is nothing special to report on this machine

But certainly, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1657 at all and no. 63 on the Embraer E190

And here are the "Plane Types Recorded":

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Not that really much time at the "London City Airport" now. But it fit´s perfectly in the end. Further out for Scotland and the "Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Ghlaschu". A couple of pictures are also here:

 photo SAM_6146_zpsuzst2o80.jpg

 photo SAM_6147_zpsckjledyx.jpg

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 photo SAM_6149_zps78yggcvm.jpg

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 photo SAM_6165_zpspjlkuowk.jpg

Now it seems the crew feel´s happy with the temperature. But not all the pax, me included.
Ok, the destination was in sight and there is more on schedule today!.

More to come.
See you soon.
The Tripreporter.

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