
Sonntag, 19. August 2018

Jetstreaming by Eastern Airways


"Jetstreaming by Eastern Airways", around the Scottish sky!.

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The routing:*

Service FlyBe BE 7677 operated by Eastern Airways G-MAJD

Scheduled:  13.40  //  14.35
Actual:   13.45  //  14.35

Airside we are since DEC 1992 with British Aerospace, Manx Airlines, British Regional Airlines, British Airways CitiExpress and Eastern Airways

There is also something special to show:

And the stat´s:
Leg no. 1659 at all and no. 8 on the Jetstream 41

A warm welcome to the Outer Hebrides and Stornoway on the latest "Visited Airports" map.
No. 391 it is:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Much to fast it was time to fly out of the "Port-Adhair Steòrnabhagh" again. Heading for more population, sure, maybe at Scotlands Oil Capital City. The "Port-adhair Obar Dheathain" is the destination.
And the pictures are here:

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This was not the first time at the "Granite City" and I`am once again really impressed.
Definitely the place to stay on the way for the north or somewhere else in Scotland!.

More to come.
Bye for now.
The Tripreporter.

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