
Montag, 6. August 2018

Green for the Ring of Kerry


"Green for the Ring of Kerry" and there is also a new airport to collect!.

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The routing:*

Service AerLingus EI 3205 operated by Stobart Air EI-FAW "St.Cronan"

Scheduled:   14.10  //  15.10
Actual:   14.10 //  14.55

This machine is airside since 26.11.2013 with AerArann and Stobart Air

Something special?. Sure!:

And as usual, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1654 at all and no. 50 on the ATR72

Here are the latest Visited Airports with KIR noted at no. 390:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

A pretty late and comfy departure from the"Aerfort Chiarraí" it was.
On the short track for the "Aerfort Bhaile Átha Cliath".
Here are the pictures:

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The green Lingus fit´s perfectly to this destination and two seats for me was also well ok here. Ok, it was Stobart, but this doesn´t matter!.

More to come.
Take care.
The Tripreporter.

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