
Donnerstag, 9. August 2018

On the cloverleaf

Dia duit,

"On the cloverleaf" and a late inbound aircraft. Now that´s a real surprise these days!.

 photo SAM_6121_zps5qkjt4l9.jpg

The routing:*

Service AerLingus EI 348 operated by EI-DVN "St.Caimin"

Scheduled:   17.45  //  21.05
Actual:   18.15  //  21.25

Original we  are, with AerLingus since 24.05.2011

Nothing special is to notice here

But certainly, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1655 at all and no. 217 on the Airbus A320

Here are the Airlines Checked:

AIRLINES CHECKED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

A swift break at the "Aerfort Bhaile Átha Cliath". And soon thereafter on the way for finals and the "Flughafen Zürich".
Some pictures are also here:

 photo SAM_6115_zpsazrxgjyr.jpg

 photo SAM_6116_zpsqhmmjmhc.jpg

 photo SAM_6117_zpsu1rt5xd6.jpg

 photo SAM_6118_zpsnlqdxvko.jpg

 photo SAM_6120_zpsirffzufy.jpg

 photo SAM_6122_zps7okbje5k.jpg

 photo SAM_6123_zpsgd05jhdy.jpg

 photo SAM_6125_zpsdqr31rlh.jpg

 photo SAM_6126_zpsxd6whz5q.jpg

 photo SAM_6127_zpsulclx9nh.jpg

 photo SAM_6128_zps1sggt6kb.jpg

 photo SAM_6129_zpswgiq79fx.jpg

Back at the base. Nice talking with the ladies and ready for something more, hopefully!.

Soon to come.
Bis bald.
The Tripreporter.

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