
Donnerstag, 30. August 2018

I think, we will make it!


"I think, we will make it!", well, you´re on the first row, left hand seat, so you should know it better!.

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The routing:*

Service Swiss International Airlines LX 339 operated by HB-IJE

Scheduled:  20.05  //  22.45
Actual:   20.55  //  23.20

This plane is active since 24.11.1995 with Swissair, AerLingus, THY Turkish Airlines and Swiss International Airlines

Here is also something special:

And for sure, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1661 at all and no. 218 on the Airbus A320

Here are all the "Plane Types Recorded":

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

The Lounge at the "Heathrow Airport" is definitely the place to be right now.
And yes, we will see if the final leg for the "Flughafen Zürich" will be done as planned right now!.
Here are the pictures:

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So, this flight was the last from the British isle to my final place today. We´re running late and the night curfew at arrivals is somewhat strict.
But the guy upfront was really optimistic. And well, it works finally, close it was, but it works!.

More to come.
Bis bald.
The Tripreporter.

Donnerstag, 23. August 2018

Propping for Heathrow, just by surprise!

Hi again,

"Propping for Heathrow, just by surprise!", ok, you never know the idea´s there!.

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The routing:*

Service FlyBe BE 2125 operated by G-ECOP

Scheduled:  15.20  //  17.15
Actual:   15.45  //  17.25

This is an FlyBe original. In the air since 02.04.2009

Special stories?. Well, it´s a Dash!:

Here are the stat´s:
Leg no. 1660 at all and no. 72 on the Dash 8-400

The "Airlines Checked" are here:

AIRLINES CHECKED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Leaving the "Port-adhair Obar Dheathain" again. The city itself is a really nice and underrated place to visit. The airport, well, not even shows us that this is Europe`s Oil Capital, definitely not. Small, dirty, people all around, no seating capacity and a complete construction site.
Ok, onwards for the "Heathrow Airport".
Here are the pictures:

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Well, I feel just a bit lonely here on these tiny Dash. Jumbo´s, A380´s and all sort´s of big planes around and I´am on the prop.
Not that many prop´s here, definitely.
But it works and also pretty close to ontime in the end.
Good for my next flight and the superb Lounge in between!.

More to come.
Take care.
The Tripreporter.

Sonntag, 19. August 2018

Jetstreaming by Eastern Airways


"Jetstreaming by Eastern Airways", around the Scottish sky!.

 photo SAM_6239_zpshslnjvlx.jpg

The routing:*

Service FlyBe BE 7677 operated by Eastern Airways G-MAJD

Scheduled:  13.40  //  14.35
Actual:   13.45  //  14.35

Airside we are since DEC 1992 with British Aerospace, Manx Airlines, British Regional Airlines, British Airways CitiExpress and Eastern Airways

There is also something special to show:

And the stat´s:
Leg no. 1659 at all and no. 8 on the Jetstream 41

A warm welcome to the Outer Hebrides and Stornoway on the latest "Visited Airports" map.
No. 391 it is:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Much to fast it was time to fly out of the "Port-Adhair Steòrnabhagh" again. Heading for more population, sure, maybe at Scotlands Oil Capital City. The "Port-adhair Obar Dheathain" is the destination.
And the pictures are here:

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This was not the first time at the "Granite City" and I`am once again really impressed.
Definitely the place to stay on the way for the north or somewhere else in Scotland!.

More to come.
Bye for now.
The Tripreporter.