
Samstag, 3. Februar 2018

For some quality English shopping


"For some quality English shopping" and this is absolutely important to do!.

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The routing:*

Service Swiss International Airlines LX 316 operated by HB-JLR "Bassersdorf"

Scheduled:   07.10  //  08.05
Actual:  07.10  //  07.55

Original we are, with Swiss International Airlines since 29.02.2012

There are no special stories visible

 But certainly, the stats:
Leg no. 1598 at all and no. 206 on the Airbus A320

The early 200 Visited Airports are here:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Early morning it was. Time to leave the "Flughafen Zürich".
In direction England and the "Heathrow Airport".

Here are the pictures:

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Comfy it was so far. A well loaded plane, but anyway a row in the rear cabin for me. Ok this way, LX!.

More to come.
Take care.
The Tripreporter.

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