Montag, 26. Februar 2018
Dolomiti?. Is this an airline?
"Dolomiti?. Is this an airline?", now we will check it!.
The routing:
Service Lufthansa LH 2372 operated by Air Dolomiti I-ADJU
Scheduled: 18.45 // 19.45
Actual: 19.10 // 20.10
This machine is airside since 09.06.2009 with Augsburg Airways, Lufthansa Cityline and nowadays Air Dolomiti
Nothing special is to show with this plane
But as usual, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1604 at all and no. 11 on the Embraer 195
Here are the latest visited airports:
Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
A visit to the Star Lounge at the "Flughafen München" it was. Also ok this way. And out for the final leg around the trip and the "Flughafen Zürich".
Sure, here are the pictures:
Concluded the trip with a couple of special airliners. Who at all was prepared not that long ago to see Condor on operation for EasyJet?.
More to come.
Bis bald.
The Tripreporter.
Sonntag, 25. Februar 2018
Oldfashioned is the way this time
Guten Tag,
"Oldfashioned is the way this time", on the Hansa for Bavaria!.
The routing:
Service Lufthansa LH 2039 operated by D-AIRX "Weimar"
Scheduled: 14.00 // 15.10
Actual: 13.55 // 15.00
Original we are, with Lufthansa since 01.10.1998
Here is also something special:
And as usual, the stat´s:
Leg no. 1603 at all and no. 52 on the Airbus A321
The early 200 visited airports are here:
Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
Out of the "Flughafen Berlin-Tegel" it is again. Maybe to see the Lufthansa Lounge here this time?.
Ready to go for the "Flughafen München". And yes, the Lounge is worth a visit!.
Here are the pictures:
Back in Bavaria it is on another less loaded service.
Not more than 40% in the end.
Good for me, also good for the company?. Now we will see!.
More to come.
Bis dann.
The Tripreporter.
Montag, 12. Februar 2018
Real Easy, just by surprise!
"Real Easy, just by surprise", not expected, but you never know these days!.
The routing:
Service easyJet EZY 5568 operated by G-EZUP
Scheduled: 16.45 // 18.05
Actual: 16.35 // 17.30
This is an Easyjet original since 03.04.2012
And the special stories are here:
And for sure, the stat´s, too:
Leg no. 1602 at all and no. 209 on the Airbus A320
Here are the Visited Countries:
VISITED COUNTRIES auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
No chance to stay airside at the "Flughafen München".
Long ways to go from arrivals till picking up the necessary Boarding Pass, ok it´s on the Mobile, but I prefer paper. And further to the gate.
Out for the "Flughafen Berlin-Tegel" it is right now.
Here are the pictures:
And also here and once again a really impressive load. Good for me, good for the company, who knows?.
20% it was and I hope they will sell more seats on this routes in the future.
More to come.
Bis bald.
The Tripreporter.
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