
Donnerstag, 15. September 2022

PIC1: FlughafenStuttgart-ManfredRommel//AktionNationalAirport-ΑεροδρόμιΑκτίου

4 Kommentare:

The Tripreporter hat gesagt…

Just a bit statistics:
This is leg no. 1858 in total and no. 18 in 2022. Cockpit crew was German and Bulgarian, cabin crew was German with one Bulgarian member. No service ordered, no specials here.

The Tripreporter hat gesagt…

Leg no. 276 in total on the A320. Done Bulgaria Air before, so nothing new here.

The Tripreporter hat gesagt…

This is LZ-FBG formely with French Aigle Azur

The Tripreporter hat gesagt…

"formerly". First flight 13MAR2014