
Samstag, 13. Juli 2019

Three for me, just by surprise!


"Three for me, just by surprise". What looks like a full flight shows me the seating this way, sure ok here!.

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The routing:*

Service Lufthansa LH 1494 operated by  D-AIUF 

Scheduled:    13.20  //  16.45
Actual:   13.30  //  16.45

An Lufthansa original we see, airside since 16.06.2014

No specials are to notice here

But certainly, the stats:
Leg no. 1748 at all and no. 236 on the Airbus A320

Some "Plane Types Recorded" are also here!:

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Not really a nice place it is. Long ways, difficult to find, an extra security check and finally out of the "Flughafen Frankfurt am Main".
For the "Міжнародний аеропорт Бориспіль Boryspil International Airport".

Here are the pictures:

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This is a rebooking from the original nonstop service. But ok, timing fit´s, one more segment and one more lounge. Acceptable it is this way!.

More to come.
Do vas skoro!.
The Tripreporter

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