
Freitag, 21. Juni 2019

Birdstrike on arrivals


"Birdstrike on arrivals". It´s absolutely necessary to check the plane now, delay included!.

 photo SAM_8471_zps0gmx9pxc.jpg

The routing:*

Service Wizz Air W6  2829 operated by HA-LTF 

Scheduled:  13.30  //  14.55
Actual:  14.15 //  15.20

This machine is original with Wizz Air since 19.07.2018

One more without any special stories

But for sure, the stats:
Leg no. 1743 at all and no. 65 on the Airbus A321

The early 200 "Visited Airports" are here:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

The airline for the flight out of the
"Flughafen Wien-Schwechat" decided to change the schedule. 1.20 hours earlier than planned, what forced me also to take an earlier service on the first leg. Heading out now for the "Aerodrom Konstantin Veliki Niš".
And here are the pictures:

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The gate area for this service is well undersized. Sure the game at most airports nowadays. And these group of people is definitely not the well experienced travel company. Delayed we are, too and absolutely interesting to follow the action now. But finally we go!.

More to come.
Vidimo se uskoro!.
The Tripreporter

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