
Freitag, 29. April 2016

On the way for something new


"On the way for something new" and that´s exactly the reason behind this trip!.

 photo SAM_6164_zps8xyio9et.jpg

The routing:*

Service Air France AF 5482 operated by Brit Air F-GRZI
Scheduled:   06.50  //  07.50
Actual:   06.45 //  07.30

Original we are, in service with Brit Air since 29.04.2003

There are no special stories visible.

But the stats:
Leg no. 1295 at all and no. 16 on the CRJ700

Here we are with the plane types recorded:

PLANE TYPES RECORDED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

An early morning flight out of the "Aéroport de Strasbourg" is definitely nothing new to me. And also the destination "Aéroport Lyon-Saint-Exupéry" seems somewhat well known. Here are the pictures:

 photo SAM_6162_zpslyandxxr.jpg

 photo SAM_6165_zps1b2h1swj.jpg

 photo SAM_6166_zpscjdzqtiv.jpg

 photo SAM_6167_zpsnxbenm5d.jpg

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 photo SAM_6173_zpsft0mquz8.jpg

More to come.
Au revoir. The Tripreporter

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