
Donnerstag, 21. November 2019

The pleasure of Biz


"The pleasure of Biz". And Veg-Lacto-Ovo works also this way!.

 photo SAM_9740_zpsznnj6um4.jpg

The routing:*

Service Swiss International Airlines LX 1353 operated by HB-IPU "Schrattenflue"

Scheduled:    19.50  //  21.50
Actual:   19.55  //  21.50

This plane is airside since 30.08.1997 with Swissair and Swiss International Airlines

Nothing special is visible on this machine

But for sure, the stats:
Leg no. 1788 at all and no. 201 on the Airbus A319

Now we see the "Airlines Checked" map with the latest count at 239:

AIRLINES CHECKED auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Well, the Lounge is good for me at the
"Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie".
Crowded it is, what seems more or less the standard these days. A bit better later on.
And finally onwards for the
"Flughafen Zuerich".
Here are the pictures:

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Arrival in the late evening. Everything works like on schedule.

More to come.
Bis bald!.
The Tripreporter

Dienstag, 19. November 2019

Really nice crew here


"Really nice crew here". Superb service by LOT!.

 photo SAM_9693_zpsxwkavlus.jpg

The routing:*

Service Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT LO 3966 operated by SP-EQB

Scheduled:    15.10  //  16.00
Actual:   15.00  //  15.30

Active we are since 22.05.2012 with Eurolot and Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT

And something special is also here:

And now, the stats:
Leg no. 1787 at all and no. 80 on the Dash 8-400

There is also something new now on the latest "Visited Airports" map.
LUZ it is and No. 415:

Visited Airports II auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

By taxicab straight for the
"Port Lotniczy Lublin-Swidnik"
now. In the end not that much more expensive than the train/taxi combination.
Ok, time now to go back for the

"Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie".

Yes, with the pictures:

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Back in the center of Poland.
Another superfast service.
Good to go for the Lounge?.
Well, we will see!.

More to come.
Na razie!.
The Tripreporter

Sonntag, 17. November 2019

No baggage loading group available


"No baggage loading group available". And this seems more and more the standard all around Europe!.

 photo SAM_9654_zpsaw6hnl57.jpg

The routing:*

Service Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT LO 3965 operated by SP-EQH

Scheduled:    13.45  //  14.30
Actual:   13.50  //  14.25

This machine is airside since 09.09.2012 with Eurolot and Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT

Special stories are also available:

And certainly, the stats:
Leg no. 1786 at all and no. 79 on the Dash 8-400

The early 200 "Visited Airports" are here:

Visited airports auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Not that much time now in between for the next flight out of the
"Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie".
Different tix, off course.
But it works perfectly fine in the end.
Ready to go for the
"Port Lotniczy Lublin-Swidnik"
Sure, with a couple of pictures:

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Now this was a fast service for finals today. Arrived and one of these less frequently running trains for Glowny, the main train station, is on schedule not that long later. Ok, that´s the way to go. Glowny is a construction site, as often these days, a taxi cab is needed for the way to the hotel. But where are the taxis?.

More to come.
Do tego czasu!.
The Tripreporter